Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

Birthday Quotes SMS

I still have a full deck just

I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now.  ~Author Unknown

Trees Quotes SMS

A tree which has lost its head

A tree which has lost its head will never recover it again, and will survive…

Dancing Quotes SMS

Dancing is like dreaming with your feet

Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!  ~Constanze

Computers Quotes SMS

Those parts of the system that you

Those parts of the system that you can hit with a hammer (not advised) are…

Chakras Quotes SMS

It is folly for a man to

It is folly for a man to pray to the gods for that which he…

Erotic Quotes SMS

When i think of you fireflies

When I think of you, fireflies in the marsh rise like the soul’s jewels, lost…

Self discovery Quotes SMS

Becoming conscious is of course a sacrilege

Becoming conscious is of course a sacrilege against nature; it is as though you had…

Poetry Quotes SMS

Poetry is the key to hieroglyphics of

Poetry is the key to the hieroglyphics of Nature.  ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles…

Libraries Quotes SMS

When i got my library card thats

When I got my library card, that’s when my life began.  ~Rita Mae Brown

Future Quotes SMS

The future is always beginning now mark

The future is always beginning now.  ~Mark Strand, Reasons for Moving

Desserts Quotes SMS

After eating chocolate you feel godlike as

After eating chocolate you feel godlike, as though you can conquer enemies, lead armies, entice…

Technology Quotes SMS

What the country needs are a few

What the country needs are a few labor-making inventions.  ~Arnold Glasow

Music Quotes SMS

After silence that which comes nearest to

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.  ~Aldous Huxley, Music…

Politics Quotes SMS

Politics n poly 34many34 tics 34blood sucking

Politics, n:  [Poly "many" + tics "blood-sucking parasites"]  ~Larry Hardiman

Prayer Quotes SMS

Some people think that prayer just means

Some people think that prayer just means asking for things, and if they fail to…

Excuses Quotes SMS

Sometimes i wish had a terrible childhood

Sometimes I wish I had a terrible childhood, so that at least I’d have an…

Summer Quotes SMS

What good is the warmth of summer

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it…

Volunteer apprec Quotes SMS

How wonderful it is that nobody need

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve…

Golf Quotes SMS

Golf isnt like other sports where you

Golf isn’t like other sports where you can take a player out if he’s having…

Live now Quotes SMS

The past is the textbook of tyrants

The Past is the textbook of tyrants; the Future the Bible of the Free.  Those…

Flowers Quotes SMS

And then the rose border what intensity in

And then the rose-border. What intensity in those odorous buds of the Bon Silene, making…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

Follow your passion and success will follow

Follow your passion, and success will follow you.

Promises Quotes SMS

Promises are the uniquely human way of

Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable…

Confidence Quotes SMS

Confidence is preparation everything else beyond your

Confidence is preparation.  Everything else is beyond your control.  ~Richard Kline

Volunteer apprec Quotes SMS

We often take for granted the very

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.  ~Cynthia OzickPIH

Goals Quotes SMS

If you dont have time to do

If you don’t have time to do it right you must have time to do…

Life Quotes SMS

In masks outrageous and austere the years

In masks outrageous and austere The years go by in single file; But none has…

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

Panic at the thought of doing a

Panic at the thought of doing a thing is a challenge to do it.  ~Henry…

Crying Quotes SMS

Time engraves our faces with all the

Time engraves our faces with all the tears we have not shed.  ~Natalie Clifford Barney

Woman2woman Quotes SMS

Having a bottom is living with the

Having a bottom is living with the enemy.  Not only do they spend their lives…

Economic issues Quotes SMS

Money doesnt talk it swears bob dylan

Money doesn’t talk, it swears.  ~Bob Dylan

Death Quotes SMS

I want a priest rabbi and protestant

I want a priest, a rabbi, and a Protestant clergyman. I want to hedge my…

Justice Quotes SMS

Law is nothing unless close behind it

Law is nothing unless close behind it stands a warm living public opinion.  ~Wendell Phillips

God Quotes SMS

Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of god

Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God when he did not want to sign.  ~Anatole…

Marriage Quotes SMS

Most marriages can survive 34better or worse34

Most marriages can survive "better or worse."  The tester is all the years of "exactly…

Death Quotes SMS

We understand death for the first time

google_ad_section_end We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one…

Clothing Quotes SMS

You dont have to signal a social

You don’t have to signal a social conscience by looking like a frump.  Lace knickers…

Weather Quotes SMS

The best thing one can do when

The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.  ~Henry…

Programming Quotes SMS

There are two ways to write error free

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.  ~Alan J….

Self Quotes SMS

Do i contradict myself very well then

Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. (I am large, I contain…

Fishing Quotes SMS

All fishermen are liars its an occupational

All fishermen are liars; it’s an occupational disease with them like housemaid’s knee or editor’s…

Butterflies Quotes SMS

There is nothing in a caterpillar that

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. …

Courage Quotes SMS

Every day you either see a scar

Every day you either see a scar or courage.  Where you dwell will define your…

Home Quotes SMS

Home is not where you live but

Home is not where you live but where they understand you.  ~Christian MorgensternPIH

Lean manufacturing Quotes SMS

Invest a few moments in thinking it

Invest a few moments in thinking.  It will pay good interest.  ~Author UnknownQSO

Men Quotes SMS

The first time you buy a house

The first time you buy a house you see how pretty the paint is and…

Faith Quotes SMS

To accept on faith is the basic

To accept on faith is the basic requirement for getting on with life.  ~Robert Brault,…

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

Meditate live purely be quiet do your

Meditate.  Live purely.  Be quiet.  Do your work with mastery.  Like the moon, come out…

Libraries Quotes SMS

A good library will never be too

A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always…

Smiles Quotes SMS

The man who smiles when things go

The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it…

Children Quotes SMS

Tarry a moment to watch the chaos

Tarry a moment to watch the chaos of a playground, crayola-colored shirts of running children,…

Environment Quotes SMS

We say we love flowers yet pluck

We say we love flowers, yet we pluck them.  We say we love trees, yet…

A rights Quotes SMS

It is just like mans vanity and

It is just like man’s vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it…

Libraries Quotes SMS

A library is but the souls burial ground

A library is but the soul’s burial-ground.  It is the land of shadows.  ~Henry Ward…

Promises Quotes SMS

The very first law in advertising is

The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the…

Jewelry Quotes SMS

Gold gold bright and yellow hard cold

Gold! gold! gold! gold! Bright and yellow, hard and cold! ~Thomas HoodMiss Kilmansegg – Her…

Politics Quotes SMS

Conservative n a statesman who is enamored

Conservative, n:  A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal…

Justice Quotes SMS

Poverty is the mother of crime marcus

google_ad_section_end Poverty is the mother of crime.  ~Marcus Aurelius

Trees Quotes SMS

The trees are gods great alphabet with

The trees are God’s great alphabet: With them He writes in shining green Across the…

Live now Quotes SMS

Rejoice in the things that are present

Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.  ~Montaigne

Civilization Quotes SMS

Animals have these advantages over man they

Animals have these advantages over man:  they never hear the clock strike, they die without…

Conformity Quotes SMS

Men will sooner surrender their rights than

Men will sooner surrender their rights than their customs.  ~Moritz Guedemann

Trees Quotes SMS

Trees are poems that earth writes upon

Trees are poems that earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn…

Courage Quotes SMS

Courage is a kind of salvation plato

Courage is a kind of salvation.  ~Plato

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

If youve got a poem within you

If you’ve got a poem within you today, I can guarantee you a tomorrow.

Adversity Quotes SMS

Count the garden by flowers never leaves

Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall.  Count your life…

Wisdom Quotes SMS

Wisdom is ofttimes nearer when we stoop

Wisdom is ofttimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar.  ~William Wordsworth

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

When my heart is heavy the sun

When my heart is heavy, the sun helps make it light.

Men Quotes SMS

br / The best part of living alone is never having to tuck you

The best part of living alone is never having to tuck your morning wood in…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

Coffee is the best thing to douse

Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with.

Integrity Quotes SMS

Transcend political correctness and strive for human

Transcend political correctness and strive for human righteousness.  ~Anthony J. D’Angelo, The College Blue Book

Science Quotes SMS

Research is what im doing when i

Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.  ~Wernher Von Braun

Perspective Quotes SMS

If a dream is realistic its not

If a dream is realistic, it’s not really a dream. It’s a to-do. ~Kim &…

Perspective Quotes SMS

With most men unbelief in one thing

With most men, unbelief in one thing springs from blind belief in another.  ~Georg Christoph…

Carpe diem Quotes SMS

The moment when you first wake up

The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of…

Money Quotes SMS

People are living longer than ever before

People are living longer than ever before, a phenomenon undoubtedly made necessary by the 30-year…

Silence Quotes SMS

Accustomed to the veneer of noise shibboleths

Accustomed to the veneer of noise, to the shibboleths of promotion, public relations, and market…

History Quotes SMS

This is my history like all other

This is my history; like all other histories, a narrative of misery.  ~Samuel Johnson, letter…

Money Quotes SMS

This planet has or rather had

This planet has – or rather had – a problem, which was this:  most of…

Best friends Quotes SMS

Some people come into our lives and

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.  Some stay for a while, leave…

Music Quotes SMS

Music cleanses the understanding inspires it and

Music cleanses the understanding; inspires it, and lifts it into a realm which it would…

Engagement Quotes SMS

All things do go a courting in earth

All things do go a-courting, In earth, or sea, or air, God hath made nothing…

Curmudgeon Quotes SMS

Oh for a lodge in some vast

Oh for a lodge in some vast wilderness, Some boundless contiguity of shade, Where rumour…

Summer Quotes SMS

O for a summer noon when light

O for a summer noon, when light and breeze Sport on the grass, like ripples…

Carpe diem Quotes SMS

Remember you must die whether sit about

Remember you must die whether you sit about moping all day long or whether on…

Bk fc Quotes SMS

You are not a beautiful and unique

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.  You are the same decaying organic matter…

Soul Quotes SMS

Soul shadows you everywhere terri guillemets

Soul shadows you everywhere. ~Terri Guillemets

Gifts Quotes SMS

You can give without loving but you

You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.  ~Author UnknownFELI