Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

War Quotes SMS

The draft is white people sending black

The draft is white people sending black people to fight yellow people to protect the…

Self control Quotes SMS

For every man there exists a bait

For every man there exists a bait which he cannot resist swallowing.  ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Light Quotes SMS

This evening i sat by an open

This evening, I sat by an open window and read till the light was gone…

Hmmm Quotes SMS

Fear is a cloak which old men

Fear is a cloak which old men huddle about their love, as if to keep…

Quotations Quotes SMS

Quotology disdains no quotations whatsoever a duty

Quotology disdains no quotations whatsoever, a duty it bears stoutly, with bloodshot eyes and sagging…

Gambling Quotes SMS

One of the healthiest ways to gamble

One of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a package of…

Feminism Quotes SMS

Many beautiful women have been made happy

Many beautiful women have been made happy by their own beauty, but no intelligent woman…

Humility Quotes SMS

It is far more impressive when others

It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.  ~Author…

Coffee Quotes SMS

No one can understand the truth until

No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee’s frothy goodness.  ~Sheik Abd-al-Kadir

Age Quotes SMS

It well becomes a man who is

It well becomes a man who is no longer young to forget that he ever…

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

Now if god made the clouds so

Now, if God made the clouds so beautiful, did He not mean us to gave…

Live now Quotes SMS

Having spent the better part of my

Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or…

Letters Quotes SMS

In a mans letters you know madam

In a man’s letters you know, Madam, his soul lies naked, his letters are only…

Imagination Quotes SMS

There are no rules of architecture for

There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.  ~G.K. Chesterton

Gambling Quotes SMS

The urge to gamble is so universal

The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice is so pleasurable, that I…

Self Quotes SMS

The only man we have any respect

The only man we have any respect for, is he who uses all the endowment…

Kindness Quotes SMS

Every day you should reach out and

[E]very day you should reach out and touch someone.  People love a warm hug, or…

Humility Quotes SMS

He was like a cock who thought

He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. …

Art Quotes SMS

If michelangelo had been straight the sistine

If Michelangelo had been straight, the Sistine Chapel would have been wallpapered.  ~Robin Tylerspeech to…

Sports Quotes SMS

The umpire is like the geyser in

The umpire at cricket… is like the geyser in the bathroom; we cannot do without…

Cancer Quotes SMS

Once you choose hope anythings possible christopher

Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.  ~Christopher Reeve

Off to college Quotes SMS

Of course theres a lot of knowledge

Of course there’s a lot of knowledge in universities:  the freshmen bring a little in;…

Hope Quotes SMS

To eat bread without hope is still

To eat bread without hope is still slowly to starve to death.  ~Pearl S. Buck

Worry Quotes SMS

If you want to test your memory

If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about…

Life Quotes SMS

Shall i redirect my lifes journey because

Shall I redirect my life’s journey because down some sideroad might be some trifle I’m…

Men Quotes SMS

Alas it is not the child but

Alas! it is not the child but the boy that generally survives in the man. …

Cows Quotes SMS

Custard a detestable substance produced by a

Custard:  A detestable substance produced by a malevolent conspiracy of the hen, the cow, and…

Arizona Quotes SMS

34heat maam34 i said 34it was so

"Heat, ma?am!" I said; "it was so dreadful here, that I found there was nothing…

Time Quotes SMS

Time is a figure eight at its

Time is a figure eight, at its center the city of Deja Vu.  ~Robert Brault,…

Philosophical Quotes SMS

Tomorrow always comes and today is never

Tomorrow always comes, and today is never yesterday.  ~S.A. Sachs

Integrity Quotes SMS

If at first you dont succeed do

If at first you don’t succeed, do it like your mother told you.  ~Author Unknown

Integrity Quotes SMS

Are you not ashamed of heaping up

Are you not ashamed of heaping up the greatest amount of money and honour and…

Golf Quotes SMS

The ardent golfer would play mount everest

The ardent golfer would play Mount Everest if somebody put a flagstick on top.  ~Pete…

Opportunities Quotes SMS

Opportunities do not come with their values

Opportunities do not come with their values stamped upon them.  ~Maltbie Babcock

Mothers Quotes SMS

Most of all the other beautiful things

Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by…

Media Quotes SMS

Harmony seldom makes a headline silas bent

Harmony seldom makes a headline.  ~Silas BentCUL

Desserts Quotes SMS

I dont cry over spilt milk but

I don’t cry over spilt milk, but a fallen scoop of ice cream is enough…

Self discovery Quotes SMS

Not until we are lost do begin

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.  ~Henry David Thoreau

Goals Quotes SMS

Garbage clutters the house that has no

Garbage clutters the house that has no dream.  ~Mike Dolan,

Cancer Quotes SMS

Hope is the physician of each misery

Hope is the physician of each misery.  ~Irish Proverb

Angels Quotes SMS

Music is well said to be the

Music is well said to be the speech of angels.  ~Thomas Carlyle

Sex Quotes SMS

Sudden acquaintance brings repentance thomas fuller

Sudden acquaintance brings repentance.  ~Thomas FullerMCTO

Integrity Quotes SMS

If we are ever in doubt about

If we are ever in doubt about what to do, it is a good rule…

Freedom Quotes SMS

Most people want security in this world

Most people want security in this world, not liberty.  ~H.L. Mencken, Minority Report, 1956LCD

Driving Quotes SMS

A tree never hits an automobile except

A tree never hits an automobile except in self defense.  ~American Proverb

Tattoo Quotes SMS

Think before you ink author unknown

Think before you ink!  ~Author Unknown

Philosophy Quotes SMS

Upon the whole i am inclined to

Upon the whole, I am inclined to think that the far greater part, if not…

Inflammation free Quotes SMS

My favorite animal is steak fran lebowitz

My favorite animal is steak.  ~Fran LebowitzCOCI

Hmmm Quotes SMS

Nothing is not only nothing it also

Nothing is not only nothing.  It is also our prison.  ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated…

Death Quotes SMS

You will never find that life for

You will never find that life for which you are looking.  When the gods created…

Bible Quotes SMS

Be not overcome of evil but evil

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.  ~Romans 12:21

Teenagers Quotes SMS

I never expected to see the day

I never expected to see the day when girls would get sunburned in the places…

Helping Quotes SMS

Every action in our lives touches on

Every action in our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.  ~Edwin…

Food Quotes SMS

There is no such thing as a

There is no such thing as a little garlic.  ~A. BaerCOCI, ETW

Writing Quotes SMS

The time to begin writing an article

The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your…

Goals Quotes SMS

Im pretty sure its a simple matter

I’m pretty sure it’s a simple matter of climbing over that seemingly high (but actually…

Feminism Quotes SMS

When a woman behaves like man why

When a woman behaves like a man, why doesn’t she behave like a nice man? …

Chakras Quotes SMS

I think we may safely trust a

I think we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.  ~Henry David…

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

Worry is rust upon the blade henry

Worry is rust upon the blade.  ~Henry Ward Hughes

Promises Quotes SMS

No pillow so soft as gods promise

No pillow so soft as God’s promise.  ~Author Unknown

Misc1 Quotes SMS

My mother said to me 34if you

My mother said to me, "If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general, if…

Pregnancy Quotes SMS

Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned medically

Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is…

Kisses Quotes SMS

What lies lurk in kisses heinrich heine

What lies lurk in kisses.  ~Heinrich Heine

Golf Quotes SMS

Golf appeals to the idiot in us

Golf appeals to the idiot in us and the child.  Just how childlike golf players…

Conformity Quotes SMS

One dog barks at something and a

One dog barks at something, and a hundred bark at the bark.  ~Chinese ProverbCUL

Love Quotes SMS

Love puts the fun in together sad

Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a…

Love Quotes SMS

The music may have stopped but my

The music may have stopped but my heart beats to another tune, this rhythm called…

Love Quotes SMS

Love is the greatest touch up artist of

Love is the greatest touch-up artist of all. ~Robert Brault,

Friendship Quotes SMS

The best way to mend a broken

The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends.  ~Gwyneth PaltrowGBF

Love Quotes SMS

Lust fades so youd better be with

Lust fades, so you’d better be with someone who can stand you. ~Alan Zweibel and…

Friendship Quotes SMS

Friends are like walls sometimes you lean

Friends are like walls.  Sometimes you lean on them, and sometimes it’s good just knowing…

Love Quotes SMS

True love is a discipline in which

True love is a discipline in which each divines the secret self of the other…

Love you Quotes SMS

We are not the same persons this

We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. …

Love Quotes SMS

I think we dream so dont have

I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart so long.  If we’re…

Friendship Quotes SMS

As a friend you first give your

As a friend, you first give your understanding, then you try to understand.  ~Robert Brault,…

Love Quotes SMS

Love is the magician that pulls man

Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.  ~Ben Hecht

Love Quotes SMS

Let your love be like the misty

Let your love be like the misty rains, coming softly, but flooding the river.  ~Malagasy…

Friendship Quotes SMS

The language of friendship is not words

The language of friendship is not words but meanings.  ~Henry David Thoreau

Friendship Quotes SMS

A real friend is someone who would

A real friend is someone who would feel loss if you jumped on a train,…

Love Quotes SMS

We dont believe in rheumatism and true

We don’t believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack.  ~Marie Ebner…

Love you Quotes SMS

Without love what are we worth eighty nine

Without love, what are we worth?  Eighty-nine cents!  Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around…

Friendship Quotes SMS

Before borrowing money from a friend decide

google_ad_section_end Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which you need most.  ~American ProverbPMB

Friendship Quotes SMS

Tis a great confidence in friend to

‘Tis a great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults; greater to tell…

Love Quotes SMS

We loved with a love that was

We loved with a love that was more than love.  ~Edgar Allan Poe

Love Quotes SMS

I dont wish to be everything everyone

I don’t wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something…

Love Quotes SMS

Desire creates havoc when it is the

Desire creates havoc when it is the only thing between two people, or when it…

Love Quotes SMS

Once a man has won womans love

Once a man has won a woman’s love, the love is his forever.  He can…

Love you Quotes SMS

Nobody has ever measured even poets how

Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold.  ~Zelda Fitzgerald